Extensivity of two-dimensional turbulence
External Periodic Driving of Large Systems of Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators
Externally forced triads of resonantly interacting waves: boundedness and integrability properties
Extinction of Populations and the Schrödinger Equation: Analytic Calculations for Abrupt Transitions
Extinction, diversity and survivorship of taxa in the fossil record
Extracting and Stabilizing the Unstable State of Hysteresis Loop
Extracting Messages Masked by Chaotic Signals of Time-delay Systems
Extracting Multidimensional Phase Space Topology from Periodic Orbits
Extracting strong measurement noise from stochastic series: applications to empirical data
Extraction of information about periodic orbits from scattering functions
Extraction of Plumes in Turbulent Thermal Convection
Extraordinary increase of lifetime of localized cold clouds by the viscous effect in thermally-unstable two-phase interstellar media
Extremal Coupled Map Lattices
Extreme events in discrete nonlinear lattices
Extreme events in solutions of hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic climate models
Extreme events in two dimensional disordered nonlinear lattices
Extreme Wave Events in Directional, Random Oceanic Sea States
Extreme waves and modulational instability: wave flume experiments on irregular waves
Extremum complexity in the monodimensional ideal gas: the piecewise uniform density distribution approximation