Extended Self Similarity in numerical simulations of 3D anisotropic turbulence
Extended Self Similarity works for the Burgers equation and why
Extended Self-Similarity and Hierarchical Structure in Turbulence
Extended Self-Similarity in Turbulent Systems: an Analytically Soluble Example
Extended Symbolic Dynamics in Bistable CML: Existence and Stability of Fronts
Extended time-delay autosynchronization for the buck converter
Extended Toda Lattice
Extending Feynman's Formalisms for Modelling Human Joint Action Coordination
Extending Hamiltonian Operators to Get Bi-Hamiltonian Coupled KdV Systems
Extending the scope of microscopic solvability: Combination of the Kruskal-Segur method with Zauderer decomposition
Extension of fixed point clustering: A cluster criterion
Extension of Hereditary Symmetry Operators
Extension of Moyal-deformed hierarchies of soliton equations
Extension of the Adler-Bobenko-Suris classification of integrable lattice equations
Extension of the bilinear formalism to supersymmetric KdV-type equations
Extension of the discrete KP hierarchy
Extensive and Sub-Extensive Chaos in Globally-Coupled Dynamical Systems
Extensive Chaos in the Lorenz-96 Model
Extensive Properties of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation
Extensive Scaling and Nonuniformity of the Karhunen-Loève Decomposition for the Spiral-Defect Chaos State