Satellite sweeping of electrons and protons in Saturn's inner magnetosphere
Satellite sweeping of energetic particles at Neptune
Satellite-search optimization with a narrow-field telescope according to the criterion of detection time
Saturn's F Ring: Observations and Modelling
Scalar field quantum fluctuations and fine-tuning in chaotic inflationary models
Scale Invariance of the PNG Droplet and the Airy Process
Scale relativity and hierarchical structuring of planetary systems
Scale relativity and quantization of planet obliquities.
Scale relativity and quantization of the planetary system around the pulsar PSR B1257+12.
Scale-invariant Boundary Harnack Principle in Inner Uniform Domains
Scale-invariant boundary Harnack principle on inner uniform domains in fractal-type spaces
Scale-invariant matter distribution in the universe. I - Counts in cells
Scale-Invariant Random Spatial Networks
Scaled Boolean Algebras
Scaled entropy of filtrations of $σ$-fields
Scaled limit and rate of convergence for the largest eigenvalue from the generalized Cauchy random matrix ensemble
Scales of the field-aligned current structures in the high-latitude magnetosphere according to the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite data
Scaling behavior of auroral luminosity fluctuations observed by Auroral Large Imaging System (ALIS)
Scaling Changes in the Cascade of Solar Wind Turbulence in the Log-normal, P and Castaing Models.
Scaling exponent for the Hopf-Cole solution of KPZ/Stochastic Burgers