New Multifractal Analyses of the Solar Wind Turbulence : Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis and Generalized Two-scale Weighted Cantor Set Model
New Numerical Code to Treat Radiative Transfer in Methanol Masers
New observing concepts for ESO survey telescopes
New Probabilistic Inequalities from Monotone Likelihood Ratio Property
New Problems
New rates for exponential approximation and the theorems of Rényi and Yaglom
New results on antenna arraying, part 1
New scaling of Itzykson-Zuber integrals
New stellar and substellar candidate members of the Coma Berenices open star cluster
New Techniques for Empirical Process of Dependent Data
New techniques for the detection and capture of micrometeoroids
New Very Low Mass Binaries in the Taurus Star-Forming Region
New Worlds Observer Mission Planner Overview
NGC 6212 - an X-ray-selected active elliptical galaxy
NGC 6334 centers of star formation JHK photometry (Straw+ 1989)
NGST fine guidance sensor
Night-time enhancements of ionospheric electron content at L = 4 during substorms
Night-time enhancements of the F2-layer ionization over Havana, Cuba
Nighttime ionization increases in the F-region above Cuba - Relationship with solar activity
NIR Brightening of SBS1150+497