The Brown-Golasinski model structure on strict $\infty$-groupoids revisited
The Cardinality of Infinite Games
The Categorification of a Symmetric Operad is Independent of Signature
The category of 3-computads is not cartesian closed
The category of categories with pullbacks is cartesian closed
The category of local algebras and points proches
The Category of Locales is Rigid
The category of opetopes and the category of opetopic sets
The Category-Theoretic Arithmetic of Information
The Chu construction for complete atomistic coatomistic lattices
The classifying topos of a topological bicategory
The club of simplicial sets
The Coalgebraic Structure of Cell Complexes
The Coherence Theorem for Ann-Categories
The cohomological comparison arising from the associated abelian object
The Combinatorics of Iterated Loop Spaces
The compositional construction of Markov processes II
The Dickson Subcategory Splitting Conjecture for Pseudocompact Algebras
The Dold-Kan Correspondence and Coalgebra Structures
The dual geometry of Boolean semirings