Calculating Colimits Compositionally
Calculating limits and colimits in pro-categories
Calculating maps between n-categories
Calculus of extensive quantities
Cartesian Bicategories II
Categorical Analysis
Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent theory
Categorical aspects of polar decomposition
Categorical distribution theory; heat equation
Categorical non abelian cohomology, and the Schreier theory of groupoids
Categorical Pairs and the Indicative Shift
Categorical representations of categorical groups
Categorical Results in the Theory of Two-Crossed Modules of Commutative Algebras
Categorical rings subsume ann-categories
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: categories, distributors and functors
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: orders and ideals over a base quantaloid
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: regular presheaves, regular semicategories
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: tensored and cotensored categories
Categories as models on a suitable algebraic theory
Categories of categories