Database queries and constraints via lifting problems
De l'oprateur de trace dans les jeux de Conway
De Morgan classifying toposes
De Morgan's law and the theory of fields
Deconstructibility and the Hill lemma in Grothendieck categories
Definable orthogonality classes in accessible categories are small
Deformation theory of abelian categories
Deligne Localized Functors
Demi-adjoint pairs of functors and demi-monads
Dendroidal Segal spaces and infinity-operads
Dendroidal sets as models for homotopy operads
Derived Algebraic Geometry II: Noncommutative Algebra
Derived Algebraic Geometry III: Commutative Algebra
Derived Algebraic Geometry V: Structured Spaces
Determinant functors on triangulated categories
Differential calculus in categories. I
Differential Geometry of Gerbes and Differential Forms
Dimensions of triangulated categories
Dimensions of triangulated categories via Koszul objects
Direct limits and fixed point sets