Lambda-presentable morphisms, injectivity and (weak) factorization systems
Laplaza Sets, or How to Select Coherence Diagrams for Pseudo Algebras
Lattices of theories
Lawvere completeness in Topology
Lawvere completion and separation via closure
Lax Monoidal Fibrations
Le foncteur V -> $F_2[V]^{otimes 3}$ entre F2-espaces vectoriels est noethérien
Lectures on n-Categories and Cohomology
Left determined model structures for locally presentable categories
Les groupements
Levels in the toposes of simplicial sets and cubical sets
Lex colimits
Lifted closure operators
Limits of small functors
Limits over categories of extensions
Linear extensions and nilpotence for Maltsev theories
Linking diagrams for free
Local and stable homological algebra in Grothendieck abelian categories
Local fibered right adjoints are polynomial
Localic Galois Theory