Balance in stable categories
Balanced category theory
Balanced Category Theory II
Barr's Embedding Theorem for Enriched Categories
Basic Bicategories
Being Van Kampen is a universal property
Bicartesian Coherence
Bicartesian Coherence Revisited
Bicat is not triequivalent to Gray
Bicategories of spans as cartesian bicategories
Biclosed bicategories: localisation of convolution
Biequivalences in tricategories
Bipolar spaces
Biset transformations of Tambara functors
Bounded and unitary elements in pro-C^*-algebras
Boundedness on inhomogeneous Lipschitz spaces of fractional integrals, singular integrals and hypersingular integrals associated to non-doubling measures
Braided Bialgebras of Type One
Braided n-categories and $Σ$-structures
Braided Premonoidal Coherence
Brown representability does not come for free