Galois extensions of braided tensor categories and braided crossed G-categories
Galois functors and entwining structures
Galois Theory for Braided Tensor Categories and the Modular Closure
Gelfand spectra and Wallman compactifications
General concepts of graphs
General heart construction for twin torsion pairs on triangulated categories
General heart construction on a triangulated category (I): unifying t-structures and cluster tilting subcategories
General heart construction on a triangulated category (II): Associated cohomological functor
General Operads and Multicategories
Generalised Moore spectra in a triangulated category
Generalised Proof-Nets for Compact Categories with Biproducts
Generalising canonical extension to the categorical setting
Generalized 2-vector spaces and general linear 2-groups
Generalized Brown representability in homotopy categories
Generalized Enrichment for Categories and Multicategories
Generalized enrichment of categories
Generalized heaps, inverse semigroups and Morita equivalence
Generalized lax epimorphisms in the additive case
Generalized operads and their inner cohomomorphisms