Rack and quandle homology
RCF1: Theories of PR Maps and Partial PR Maps
RCF2: Evaluation and Consistency
RCF3: Map-Code Interpretation via Closure
Recollements from generalized tilting
Recursion categories of coalgebras
Relative Commutator Theory in Semi-Abelian Categories
Relative Frobenius algebras are groupoids
Relative homological categories
Relative injectivity as cocompleteness for a class of distributors
Relative Regular Objects in Categories
Relativity grupoid insted of relativity group
Relaxed multi category structure of a global category of rings and modules
Relevant Categories and Partial Functions
Remarks on 2-Groups
Remarks on exactness notions pertaining to pushouts
Repetitive higher cluster categories of type A_n
Representation theory of 2-groups on finite dimensional 2-vector spaces
Resonance Category
Resource modalities in game semantics