Taking the Pulse of a Black Hole System
Taking the redpill: Artificial Evolution in native x86 systems
Taking the telescope's temperature.
Taking the Temperature of the New Planet TrES-1
Taking the Twinkle Out of the Stars: an Adaptive Wavefront Tilt Correction Servo and Preliminary Seeing Study for SUSI
TAKTAG: Two-phase learning method for hybrid statistical/rule-based part-of-speech disambiguation
Tales of 34 iPhone Users: How they change and why they are different
Tales of Huffman
Talking quiescence: a rigorous theory that supports parallel composition, action hiding and determinisation
Talking to OMB and OSTP
TALplanner in IPC-2002: Extensions and Control Rules
Taming Modal Impredicativity: Superlazy Reduction
Taming Numbers and Durations in the Model Checking Integrated Planning System
Taming the Invisible Monster with COS: Eclipse Spectroscopy of Epsilon Aurigae
Tandem Coding and Cryptography on Wiretap Channels: EXIT Chart Analysis
Tangential electric fields in a drifting auroral arc
Tangential-discontinuity instability in the case of the magnetopause
Tangleproof Coupling
TAOS: The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey
Tap Tips: Lightweight Discovery of Touchscreen Targets