Design of the MESUR/pathfinder microrover
Design Optimisation of Controlled Mechanical Structures
Design optimization of parallel manipulators for high-speed precision machining applications
Design Strategies for the Geometric Synthesis of Orthoglide-type Mechanisms
Design, Development and Testing of Underwater Vehicles: ITB Experience
Designing a Miniature Wheel Arrangement for Mobile Robot Platforms
Designing a Virtual Manikin Animation Framework Aimed at Virtual Prototyping
Designing of Lunar Rovers for High Work Performance
Detecting Separation in Robotic and Sensor Networks
Development and Demonstration of a Self-Calibrating Pseudolite Array for Task Level Control of a Planetary Rover
Development Concept for Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite I (STARS-I)
Development of a Cost-efficient Autonomous MAV for an Unstructured Indoor Environment
Development of a Dynamic Simulation Tool for the ExoMars Rover
Development of a peristaltic micropump for bio-medical applications based on mini LIPCA
Development of Architectures for Internet Telerobotics Systems
Development of Autonomous Distributed Ground Operation System for Pico Satellites Under Low Baud-Rate Communications
Development of Autonomous Drills for Planetary Exploration
Development of the ESA ExoMars Rover
Development of the European Technology Exposure Facility
Diagnosis Method for Spacecraft Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks