X-38 Landing Gear qualification testing
X-band uplink technology demonstration at DSS-13
X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy with NTD germanium-based microcalorimeters
X-ray baffle of the XMM telescope: development and results
X-ray Binaries in the Nearby Galaxies M31 and NGC 253 Observed with XMM-Newton
X-ray characteristics of CCD's for the XMM Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS)
X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on board Astro-E
X-ray imaging tests of Constellation-X SXT mirror segment pairs
X-ray imaging with the XSPECT/SODART microstrip proportional counters
X-ray performance of the engineering prototype Stellar X-Ray Polarimeter
X-ray polarimeter with a multilayer-coated CCD
X-ray pulsar navigation method for spacecraft with pulsar direction error
X-ray remote sensing and in-situ spectroscopy for planetary exploration missions and gamma-ray remote sensing and in-situ spectroscopy for planetary exploration missions
X-ray spectroscopy from fusion plasmas
X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Lunar Surface Using the D-CIXS Instrument on ESA's SMART-1 Mission to the Moon
X-Ray Study of the Bright W-R Star HD 93162 with Chandra
X-shooter: What stands behind the good performance
XCALIBUR: a Vertical Takeoff TSTO RLV Concept with a HEDM Upperstage and a Scram-Rocket Booster
XMM flying beautifully
XMM telescope goes on show for the first time