NICMOS Camera 3 Parallel Imaging Observations: Number Counts, Sizes and Red Objects
NICMOS Cooling System Monitoring
NICMOS Coronagraphic Performance Assessment
NICMOS Coronagraphic Performance Assessment
NICMOS Coronagraphic Surveys-Preliminary Results
NICMOS Coronagraphy
NICMOS Coronograph Stability Verification
NICMOS Coronographic Performance Verification
NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment
NICMOS flight FPA qualification program
NICMOS in the Cryo-Cooler Era: Expectations for On-Orbit Performance
NICMOS Intermediate Focus/Alignment
NICMOS Optimum Coronagraphic Focus Determinaton
NICMOS performance on the Hubble Space Telescope
NICMOS Phase 2 Proposal Examples
NICMOS Two Gyro Mode Coronagraphic Performance
NICMOS3 detector testing: methods and results
NICMOS: A second generation infrared instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope
NICMOS:The First Year
NIFS concentric integral field unit