Large aperture space telescope mirror fabrication trades
Large area solar power heliostat array for OSETI
Large area space qualified thermoelectrically (TE) cooled HgCdTe MW photovoltaic detectors for the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE)
Large Area Telescope On-Orbit Calibration and Configuration
Large Binocular Telescope: the control system of the position actuator of the 8.4-m borosilicate honeycomb primary mirrors
Large capture range cophasing with the Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter
Large Dayside Geosynchronous Magnetic Field Compressions: Model Expectations vs. Observations
Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) feasibility study update
Large format imaging photon detector for astronomical spectroscopy
Large Format Si:As IBC Array Performance for NGST and Future IR Space Telescope Applications
Large mirror actuators in the 21st century
Large optical system design integrating active optical and structural control
Large Scale Observations of the Orion B Molecular Cloud in CO(2-1) and (3-2) with the Cologne 3m-radiotelescope
Large scale radio-frequency ion thrusters for manned Mars missions
Large space telescope control moment gyro test program
Large staring IRFPA's of HgCdTe on alternative substrates
Large submillimeter and millimeter detector arrays for astronomy: development of NbSi superconducting bolometers
Large-angle fast-steering mirrors
Large-aperture CCD x-ray detector for protein crystallography using a fiber-optic taper
Large-aperture, holographically corrected membrane telescope