Gear error corrections on the Anglo-Australian Telescope
Gemini 8-m telescopes project
Gemini 8-m Telescopes Project
Gemini enclosure and support facility design philosophy and design description
Gemini instrumentation program overview
Gemini near-infrared imager (NIRI): a discussion of its design features and performance
Gemini near-infrared imager on-instrument wavefront sensor gimbal tilt stage
Gemini near-infrared integral field spectrograph (NIFS)
Gemini Observatory's Facility Instrument Program
Gemini Observatory: five years of multi-instrument queue operations
Gemini primary mirror cell design
Gemini primary mirror in situ wash
Gemini primary mirror support system
Gemini primary mirror thermal management system
Gemini-north multiobject spectrograph integration, test, and commissioning
Gemini-north multiobject spectrograph optical performance
Gemini-North Multiobject Spectrograph Stability Performance
Gemini-north multiobject spectrograph: integral field unit
General analysis of infrared focal plane array performance versus focal plane array operating temperature, number of TDI elements, diode area and cut-off wavelength
General presentation including new structure