Functional aspects of the retina relating to infrared focal plane arrays
Functional Design and Qualification of Surface Tension Propellant Tanks
Functional test and calibration plan for the Lightning Imaging Sensor
Functional variation of dual gate MOS-JFET CCD test structure
Fundamental delay bounds in peer-to-peer chunk-based real-time streaming systems
Fundamental limitations on off-axis performance of phased telescope arrays
Fundamental performance differences between CMOS and CCD imagers: Part II
Fundamental performance differences between CMOS and CCD imagers: part III
Fundamental Performance of the ET Instruments from Simulations
Fundamental physics and practical realization of mid-infrared photodetectors
Further characterization of Rockwell Scientific LWIR HgCdTe detector arrays
Further developments of electrographic image detectors
Further performance characteristics of a high sensitivity 64 X 64 element InSb hybrid focal plane array
Further tests of the GE 32 x 1 InSb CID array at KPNO
FUSE In-orbit Performance With The New Attitude Control System
FUSE microchannel plate detectors: models and data for resolution at the pore limit
FUSE Observer's Guide, Version 3.0
FUSE Performance and Data Processing Under One-Wheel Attitude Control
FUSE/Lyman grant
Fusion propulsion with the addition of indigenous gases