Experimental Validation of a Closed Brayton Cycle System Transient Simulation
Experimental Verification of the Performance of Chaos-Based Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems
Experimental verification of the star field identification algorithm in the observatory environment
Experiments on the effects of dust flux exposure on ROSETTA spacecraft materials
Exploration missions with a solar bimodal system
Exploration planning in the context of human exploration and development of the Moon
Exploratory study for a solid-state charged-particle spectrometer inside the Celsius ring: Alpha and hydrogen reactions at 1.7 and 2.2 GeV/c
Exploring Intricacies In The Egret Spectral Energy Distributions Of Blazars.
Exploring Scheduling Algorithms and Analysis Tools for the LSST Operations Simulations
Exploring the Cosmic Rays Energy Frontier with The Pierre Auger Observatory
Exploring the performance of large-N radio astronomical arrays
Exploring the Universe with TV Remotes: Cooperative Quizzes via the Classroom Performance System (CPS) in AY101
Exponential Gaussian approach for spectral modelling: The EGO algorithm II. Band asymmetry
Exposure Time Calculators and the estimated SNR
Exposure to altered gravity during specific developmental periods differentially affects growth, development, the cerebellum and motor functions in male and female rats
Expression Templates Revisited: A Performance Analysis of the Current ET Methodology
Extended blue GaAs image intensifiers
Extended Kalman filter for frequent local and infrequent global sensor data fusion
Extension of Alcator C-Mod's ICRF experimental capability
External metrology truss technology demonstration (KITE)