Numerical orbits near the triangular lunar libration points
Numerical resolution of some BVP using Bernstein polynomials
Numerical rise time calculations for obliquely propagating HF pulses
Numerical simulation in astrophysics: Smoothed particle methods
Numerical simulation of filling a magnetic flux tube with a cold plasma: Anomalous plasma effects
Numerical simulation of lava flows: Applications to the terrestrial planets
Numerical simulation of mass injection for the formation of prominence magnetic field configurations. I - Asymmetric injection
Numerical simulation of mass injection for the formation of prominence magnetic field configurations. II - Symmetric injection
Numerical Simulation of Particle Acceleration Process by the Earth's Bow Shock
Numerical Simulation of Rotation-Driven Plasma Transport In the Jovian Magnetosphere
Numerical simulation of spherically symmetric matter in relativity
Numerical simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of packets of spiral density waves
Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake and implications for unusual tidal surges observed in Toyama Bay
Numerical simulations for the study of the methods for stellar kinematics and luminousity calibration
Numerical simulations of bent, disrupted radio jets
Numerical simulations of catastrophic disruption: Recent results
Numerical simulations of magnetic accretion disks
Numerical Simulations of Silverpit Crater Collapse: A Comparison of Tekton and SALES 2
Numerical Simulations of the Thermal Instability Collapse in Radiation Pressure Dominated Disks
Numerical simulations of thermal convection in rapidly rotating spherical fluid shells