Linear Differential Equations with Fuzzy Boundary Values
Linear spectrum of magnetostatic and thermally conducting planar plasmas
Linear stability of spherical collisionless stellar systems
Linear waves in a radiating and scattering grey medium
Linear, nonadiabatic analysis of nonradial oscillations of massive near main sequence stars
Local waves in a magnetic arcade embedded in the solar corona
Localization of volcanic activity: 2. Effects of pre-existing structure
Logarithmic Barrier Optimization Problem Using Neural Network
Long-term evolution of crustal neutron star magnetic fields
Longitudinal ELF to LF electromagnetic oscillations and waves generated in the ionopshere under the influence of strong high-frequency electric field
Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in Bunched Electron Beams Travelling through a Malmberg-Penning Trap
Longitudinally excited states of hydrogen in intense magnetic fields
Loops, fields and all that
Low-frequency electrostatic noise due to velocity shear instabilities in the regions of magnetospheric flow boundaries
Low-frequency fluctuations in the magnetosheath near the magnetopause
Low-precision formulae for planetary positions
Low-Rank Structure Learning via Log-Sum Heuristic Recovery
Low-temperature Rosseland opacities
Lower hybrid waves generated in the wake of the Galileo spacecraft
Lower Hybrid Waves Generated in the Wake of the Galileo Spacecraft.