Classical MHD shocks: theory and numerical simulation
Close encounters of the third-body kind
Cloud formation by combined instabilities in galactic gas layers - Evidence for a Q threshold in the fragmentation of shearing wavelets
Co-existence of self-organized criticality and intermittent turbulence in the solar corona
CO2 infrared bands in the Martian atmosphere
Cold plus hot dark matter and structure formation of the universe
Collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud cores. 2: Collapse induced by stellar shock waves
Collinear equilibria and their characteristic exponents in the restricted three-body problem when the primaries are oblate spheroids
Collision strengths for forbidden N II, O III, NE II and NE III
Collisional evolution of rotating, non-identical particles
Combined FD-CM numerical analysis of coplanar electrode waveguide for LiNbO3 automatic polarization controller
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact on Jupiter: Plume, Ejecta, and Scaling of Fragment Size
Comments on "Routh Stability Criterion"
Comments on the question of Mercury's perihelial motion
Comments on the symmetric difference quotient and its applications to the correction of orbits by R.A. Serafin and E. Wnuk
Communication-optimal Parallel and Sequential Cholesky Decomposition
Communication-optimal parallel and sequential QR and LU factorizations: theory and practice
Comparative analysis of schemes for numerical solution of the continuity equation for the plasma in the ionospheric F2 region
Comparative pulsation calculations with OP and OPAL opacities
Comparison of Commercial EMI Test Techniques to NASA EMI Test Techniques