Data acquisition and path selection decision making for an autonomous roving vehicle
Data acquisition and processing system of the Rome Astronomical Observatory
Data Management at AAVSO Headquarters
Data processing of radiospectrograph at the 'Interkosmos-Kopernik 500' satellite
Data Processing Using GPUs for The MWA
Data reduction and image processing
Data visualization in political and social sciences
Decades of Decision, Delight, and Despair
Deep surveys of the obscured universe: GOODS
Demographics of mesoscale eddies in the California Current
Demographics of the Short Period Comets
Design of moveable and resizable graphics
Design of the Telemetry Control System for the Large Binocular Telescope
Determination of observation conditions of celestial bodies using the DISPO system
Determination of the observation conditions of celestial bodies with the aid of the DISPO system
Developing the electronic digital map of ground conductivities of China
Development of a new digital planetarium MEDIAGLOBE
Digital and analog electronic methods for isophotometric analysis of astronomical photographs
Digital hologram reconstruction of radio telescope data
Digital Image Watermarking for Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Based On SA-DWT