Identifying Faint Supernovae in the SDSS-II SN Survey Data
IDL Visualization of Q=0.075 SU UMa Dwarf Novae
Image processing document: Halley multicolor camera (Giotto Mission)
Images of the geopotential
Improved 408 MHz observations of some galactic supernova remnants
Improving the Performance of K-Means for Color Quantization
Information Graphics - A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference
Infrared Emission from the Smallest Active Galaxies
Injectivity of 2D Toric Bézier Patches
Integrated analytical evaluation and optimization of model parameters against preprocessed measurement data
Integration of COTS personal computers into a real-time hardware-in-the-loop for infrared image generation
Interactive Character Posing by Sparse Coding
Interactive Hatching and Stippling by Example
Interactive visualization of higher dimensional data in a multiview environment
Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Star Clusters: The Case of ω Centauri (NGC 5139)
Investigating the nature of relativistic jets by studying the demographics of Blazars
Investigating the nature of relativistic jets by studying the demographics of Blazars: the FIRST Flat Spectrum Sample
Investigation into the use of a personal computer for generating real-time infrared imagery
Is the Oort A-value a universal growth rate limit for accretion disk shear instabilities?
Is the Universe older than expected?