Teaching Physical Based Animation via OpenGL Slides
Text/Graphics Separation and Skew Correction of Text Regions of Business Card Images for Mobile Devices
Text/Graphics Separation for Business Card Images for Mobile Devices
The 3-D on the 7600-Star-Cray
The beams control in Multiple-Aperture Transmitting Systems
The behavior of cold gas in spheroidal galactic potentials
The calculation of theoretical chromospheric models and predicted OSO I spectra
The Central Engines of Short-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts
The Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Black Holes: Current Status and Future Prospects
The demographics and evolution of the absorbed AGN population
The Demographics of Exoplanets
The Demographics of Starburst Galaxies
The Demographics of Women in Astronomy
The Extrasolar Planet Zoo
The FIRST Flat Spectrum Sample
The Four Gamma Ray Burst Luminosity Indicators: Energy Dependence for Application to SWIFT Data
The FRED Event Display: an Extensible HepRep Client for GLAST
The GDDSYN light curve synthesis method
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: three different approaches to break their watermarking system
The Graphics Card as a Streaming Computer