The Function of Communities in Protein Interaction Networks at Multiple Scales
The Generation of Promoter-Mediated Transcriptional Noise in Bacteria
The Goldbeter-Koshland switch in the first-order region and its response to dynamic disorder
The Heart of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
The influence of microwave radiation on the state of chromatin in human cells
The interplay between discrete noise and nonlinear chemical kinetics in a signal amplification cascade
The large-scale logico-chemical structure of a transcriptional regulation network
The Logic Backbone of a Transcription Network
The Orchestral Analog of Molecular Biology
The p53-MDM2 network: from oscillations to apoptosis
The Problem of Colliding Networks and its Relation to Cancer
The promoters of human cell cycle genes integrate signals from two tumor suppressive pathways during cellular transformation
The Regularizing Capacity of Metabolic Networks
The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism as a boolean dynamical system exhibits both homeostasis and flexibility of response
The Role of Computation in Complex Regulatory Networks
The role of incoherent microRNA-mediated feedforward loops in noise buffering
The role of input noise in transcriptional regulation
The solution space of metabolic networks: producibility, robustness and fluctuations
The Stability of Boolean Networks with Generalized Canalizing Rules
The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks : nerve growth factor signaling