Resonant activation: a strategy against bacterial persistence
Reverse Engineering Gene Networks with ANN: Variability in Network Inference Algorithms
Reverse Engineering of Molecular Networks from a Common Combinatorial Approach
Revisiting Date and Party Hubs: Novel Approaches to Role Assignment in Protein Interaction Networks
RNAnet a Map of Human Gene Expression
Robust circadian clocks from coupled protein modification and transcription-translation cycles
Robust gene regulation: Deterministic dynamics from asynchronous networks with delay
Robust Regulatory Networks
Robustness and fragility of Boolean models for genetic regulatory networks
Robustness and modular design of the Drosophila segment polarity network
Robustness in Gene Circuits: Clustering of Functional Responses
Robustness of circadian clocks to daylight fluctuations: hints from the picoeucaryote Ostreococcus tauri
Robustness of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast-like Model Boolean Networks
Robustness under functional constraint: The genetic network for temporal expression in Drosophila neurogenesis
Robustness, Stability and Efficiency of Phage lambda Gene Regulatory Network: Dynamical Structure Analysis
Role-similarity based functional prediction in networked systems: Application to the yeast proteome