A versatile electrophoresis system for the analysis of high- and low-molecular-weight proteins
Ab initio identification of putative human transcription factor binding sites by comparative genomics
About thiol derivatization and resolution of basic proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis
Acetylene fermentation: An Earth-based analog of biological carbon cycling on Titan
Adaptive walks in a gene network model of morphogenesis: insights into the Cambrian explosion
Age, Sex, and Genetic Architecture of Human Gene Expression in EBV Transformed Cell Lines
Alterations of the mitochondrial proteome caused by the absence of mitochondrial DNA: A proteomic view
Alternative Splicing and Genomic Stability
An algebraic hypothesis about the primeval genetic code
An Algorithm for Missing Value Estimation for DNA Microarray Data
An introduction to reconstructing ancestral genomes
An Unusual 500,000 Bases Long Oscillation of Guanine and Cytosine Content in Human Chromosome 21
Are scale-free regulatory networks larger than random ones?
arrayMap: A Reference Resource for Genomic Copy Number Imbalances in Human Malignancies
Asterias: a parallelized web-based suite for the analysis of expression and aCGH data
Autoregressive Modeling of Coding Sequence Lengths in Bacterial Genome