Identification and Measurement of Neighbor Dependent Nucleotide Substitution Processes
Identification and Query of Activated Gene Pathways in Disease Progression
Identification of 11 potential malaria vaccine candidates using Bioinformatics
Identification of candidate regulatory sequences in mammalian 3' UTRs by statistical analysis of oligonucleotide distributions
Identification of possible differences in coding and non-coding fragments of DNA sequences by using the method of the Recurrence Quantification Analysis
Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation
Identifying short motifs by means of extreme value analysis
Identifying statistical dependence in genomic sequences via mutual information estimates
Identity and divergence of protein domain architectures after the Yeast Whole Genome Duplication event
Identity Elements of Archaeal tRNA
Impact of Tandem Repeats on the Scaling of Nucleotide Sequences
Improved mass spectrometry compatibility is afforded by ammoniacal silver staining
Improvement of the solubilization of proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradients
Improvements and simplifications in in-gel fluorescent detection of proteins using ruthenium II tris-(bathophenanthroline disulfonate): the poor man's fluorescent detection method
Improving the recombination estimation method of Padhukasahasram et al 2006
In Silico Genome-Genome Hybridization Values Accurately and Precisely Predict Empirical DNA-DNA Hybridization Values for Classifying Prokaryotes
In silico network topology-based prediction of gene essentiality
Increasing biological complexity is positively correlated with the relative genome-wide expansion of non-protein-coding DNA sequences
Induction of microRNAs, mir-155, mir-222, mir-424 and mir-503, promotes monocytic differentiation through combinatorial regulation
Inference of Gene Predictor Set Using Boolean Satisfiability