Can Identification of a Fourth Domain of Life Be Made from Sequence Data Alone, and Could It Be Done on Mars?
Cell wall proteins: a new insight through proteomics
Cerro Negro, Nicaragua: A key Mars Analog Environment for Acid-Sulfate Weathering
CGHTRIMMER: Discretizing noisy Array CGH Data
Chance and necessity in chromosomal gene distributions
Characteristics of transposable element exonization within human and mouse
Characterizing large scale base composition structures of genomes
Chargaff's "Grammar of Biology": New Fractal-like Rules
Chromatin Folding in Relation to Human Genome Function
Classification of arrayCGH data using a fused SVM
Classification of life by the mechanism of genome size evolution
Classification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae promoter regions into distinct chromatin classes reveals the existence of nucleosome-depleted hotspots of transcription factor occupancy
CLEVER: Clique-Enumerating Variant Finder
Clone-array pooled shotgun mapping and sequencing: design and analysis of experiments
Cloning, expression and purification of the general stress protein Yhbo from Escherichia coli
Clumping as the Dynamic Initial Step in the Formation of Modern Conical Stromatolites
Codon Capture and Ambiguous Intermediate Scenarios of Genetic Code Evolution
Codon Usage Bias Measured Through Entropy Approach
Combining chromosomal arm status and significantly aberrant genomic locations reveals new cancer subtypes
Comment of Global dynamics of biological systems