H I absorption in the peculiar galaxy UGC 6081
H I Absorption in the Steep-Spectrum Superluminal Quasar 3C 216
H I absorption limits and emission mapping for high-velocity clouds
H I absorption measurements of seven low-latitude pulsars
H i Absorption Measurements on Two Galactic Regions Containing Supernova Remnants and H II Regions
H I absorption measurements over the Galactic center Radio Arc region
H I absorption measurements toward 15 pulsars and the radial distribution of diffuse ionized gas in the Galaxy
H I absorption observations of two radio sources near the supernova remnant G 127.1 + 0.5
H I absorption of nine pulsars
H I Absorption of Polarized Emission: A New Technique for Determining Kinematic Distances to Galactic Supernova Remnants
H I Absorption Spectra Toward Magpis Supernova Remnant Candidates
H I absorption toward cooling flows in clusters of galaxies
H i Absorption Toward the Nucleus of the Powerful Radio Galaxy Cygnus A: Evidence for an Atomic Obscuring Torus?
H I Absorption toward Ultracompact H II Regions: Distances and Galactic Structure
H I and CO Emission in Blue Compact Dwarfs: Haro 2 and Haro 4/26
H I and CO in the nuclear disk of NGC 4261
H I and CO near HB 3.
H I and CO observations of NGC 7023: photo-dissociation of molecular gas.
H I and dust in Kutner's cloud
H I and H2CO in dark dust clouds along Gould's Belt