S 0954+65
S 106 - an H II-region driven by a stellar wind
S 10943 Vulpeculae: A New ROSAT Selected Dwarf Nova, probably of SU Ursae Majoris Subclass
S 10947 Aql = RX J2009.8+1557: A probable RS CVn star which sometimes stops its eclipses
S 111 and the polarization of the B[e] supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds
S 1417-624
S 1417-624
S 1702-363
S 1711-339
S 18 - A new B(e) supergiant in the Small Magellanic Cloud with evidence for an excretion disk
S 1822-371
S 235 B explained: an accreting Herbig Be star surrounded by reflection nebulosity
S 308: A Textbook Example of Wolf-Rayet Bubbles
S 32 and UKS-Ce1: Two barium-rich symbiotic stars
S 4741 Lyncis, ein Rr Lyrae-Stern mit Periodenäderungen
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