L & M band infrared studies of V4332 Sagittarii - detection of the water-ice absorption band at 3.05 microns and the CO fundamental band in emission
L 1159-16 and G175-34
L 1274: A multiwavelength study of a dark cloud in the Cep - Cas void
L 1287 (H_2_O): accretion disk-impinging-clumps traced by masers?
L 1780: a cometary globule associated with Loop I?
L 183 (L 1134N) a Region of Future Star Formation?
L and T brown dwarfs in the Ursa Major moving group
L and T Dwarf Models and the L to T Transition
L and T dwarfs in Gaia/SIM
L and T dwarfs in the Hyades and Ursa Major moving groups
L anomalie magnétique de Saturne.
L Carinæ and K Pavonis, proper motion of
L Centre de Depouillement de Cliches Astronomiques
L Dwarfs and the Substellar Mass Function
L Dwarfs Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II. Hobby-Eberly Telescope Observations
L Dwarfs Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Imaging Data
L dwarfs in the Hyades
L O,1,2, and 3 Pulsation Constants for Evolutionary Models of Delta-Scuti Stars
L' ammasso globulare NGC = M 56
L' and M' Photometry of Ultracool Dwarfs