V - (V-I) distance to Lupus 2
V - Obseravtions / New Detection Techniques; Obseravtions / Nouvelles Techniques de Mesure
V - R Colors of E and SO Galaxies as a Function of Redshift
V - The Bulges
V 1016 Cygni and HM Sagittae - Binary stellar systems
V 1162 Ori: A multiperiodic delta Scuti star with variable period and amplitude
V 1329 CYG - A nova-like object with recurrent outburst
V 1329 Cygni: evolved, massive system away from the galactic plane
V 1341 Cygni - The optical counterpart of the X-ray source Cygnus X-2
V 348 Sagittarii: analysis of the absorption spectrum.
V 35 = UV Persei
V 356 Sagittarii: Energy Distribution and FUV Emission Lines
V 367 Cygni : an Eclipsing Binary with a Shell Spectrum
V 3903 Sagittarii: a massive main-sequence (O7V+O9V) detached eclipsing binary
V 394 CrA - Outburst light curves and notes on its position among the recurrent novae
V 3955 SGR - A new field RV Tauri/SRd variable
V 439 CYG, The Red Star that Became Blue
V 439 Cyg: the smallest LBV?
V 439 Ophiuchi: a 2-Day Cepheid
V 505 MON - One of the most massive binaries