Cyclicities in the light variations of S Doradus stars III. P Cygni
Cyclo-Synchrotron Emission and Comptonization in Optically Thin Hot Accretion Flows
Cyclo-synchrotron emission from magnetically dominated active regions above accretion discs
Cyclo-Synchrotron Radiation at Small Angels.
Cyclone, The Cyclotron/Nuclear Explorer
CYCLOPS-X: Simultaneous optical and X-ray modeling of polars
Cyclotron absorption in accreting magnetic white dwarfs
Cyclotron absorption of X rays by a classical plasma in the strong magnetic fields of neutron stars
Cyclotron absorption of x rays by a classical plasma in the strong magnetic fields of neutron stars
Cyclotron and Zeeman spectroscopy of MR Serpentis in low and high states of accretion
Cyclotron and Zeeman spectroscopy of V834 Centauri
Cyclotron damping and Faraday rotation of gravitational waves
Cyclotron emission and beaming mechanisms in magnetized neutron stars - HER X-1
Cyclotron Emission and Thermalization of the CMB Spectrum
Cyclotron emission effect on CMB spectral distortions
Cyclotron emission from accretion plasma columns in magnetic cataclysmic variable stars
Cyclotron emission from AM Herculis binaries - A variable magnetic field, variable temperature model
Cyclotron emission from inhomogeneous shocks in AM Herculis-type systems
Cyclotron emission in neutron star magnetospheres
Cyclotron emission in strongly magnetized plasmas