Cyclic Spectral Analysis of Radio Pulsars
Cyclic Universe and Infinite Past
Cyclic Variability of the Circumstellar Disc of the Be Star $ζ$ Tau. II. Testing the 2D Global Disc Oscillation Model
Cyclic variability of the circumstellar disk of the Be star zetaTau - I. Long-term monitoring observations
Cyclic variations of quasar brightness as a function of ln/1 + z/
Cyclic Variations of T-Tauri Stars
Cyclic variations of the Be star beta 1 Monocerotis.
Cyclic variations of the calcium network in solar polar regions.
Cyclic variations of the light of R CR B and their connection with the nonperiodic fadings of the brightness
Cyclic Variations of the Light of R-Coronae and Their Connection with the Nonperiodic Fadings of the Brightness
Cyclical behaviour and disc truncation in the Be/X-ray binary A0535+26
Cyclical Behaviour in Early Universe Cosmologies
Cyclical period changes in HT Cas: a clear difference between systems above and below the period gap
Cyclical period changes in the dwarf novae V2051 Oph and V4140 Sgr
Cyclical period changes in Z Chamaeleontis
Cyclical Spectral and Photometric Variations of the Apparently Single Wolf-Rayet Star WR 134
Cyclical Variability of Prominences, CMEs and Flares
Cyclical Variation of the Quiet Corona and Coronal Holes
Cyclical variations of the density and coronal temperature
Cyclicities in the light variations of LBVs. I. The multi-periodic behaviour of the LBV candidate ζ^1^ Sco.