Quantitative integration of seismic and GPR reflections to derive unique estimates for water saturation and porosity in subsoil
Quantitative magnetic resonance image analysis via the EM algorithm with stochastic variation
Quantitative models of the magnetospheric magnetic field - Methods and results
Quantitative research of the classification of coronal mass ejections
Quantitative Rock Analysis by Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy at the Surface of Mars
Quantitative study of the nonlinear formation and acceleration of plasmoids in the earth's magnetotail
Quantization and psychoacoustic model in audio coding in advanced audio coding
Quantization of solar XUV imagery from SKYLAB
Quantized Fields and Particle Creation in Expanding Universes. II
Quantized synchrotron radiation in strong magnetic fields
Quantum astronomy with Iqueye
Quantum birth of the universe in the vicinity of a cosmological singularity
Quantum Chaos in the Gauge Fields at Finite-Temperature
Quantum cosmology for pedestrians
Quantum cosmology with conformal scalar field in the Vilenkin theory
Quantum cosmology with O(8N+1)(-) symmetric coupling scalar field
Quantum cosmology with spinor field
Quantum dynamics in a time-dependent variational approximation
Quantum efficiency characterization of LBNL CCD's: Part I. The quantum efficiency machine
Quantum efficiency of a back-illuminated CCD imager: an optical approach