F region climatology during the SUNDIAL/ATLAS 1 campaign of March 1992: model-measurement comparisons and cause-effect relationships
f-divergence estimation and two-sample homogeneity test under semiparametric density-ratio models
Fabrication and test of 1.8-meter-diameter high quality ULE mirror
Fabrication and test of compact high aperture IR telescope lenses for airborne use
Fabrication and testing of diamond-machined gratings in ZnSe, GaP, and bismuth germanate for the near-infrared and visible
Fabrication and Testing of Thermoelectric Modules and Milliwatt Power Supplies
Fabrication of a fast aspheric beryllium mirror
Fabrication of grazing incidence optics using flow-polishing techniques
Fabrication of high-precision solar filters: variety and limitations
Fabrication of narrow-slit masks for the Gemini Multiobject Spectrograph
Fabrication of polymer waveguide tapers to minimize insertion loss
Fabrication of terahertz two-dimensional photonic crystal lens on silicon-on-insulator
Fabry-Perot interferometer with a new focal plane detection technique and its application in ground-based measurement of NIR OH emissions
Facilities and instrumentation for solar research at Bern
Facilities to Support Beamed Energy Launch Testing at the Laser Hardened Materials Evaluation Laboratory (LHMEL)
Facing "the Curse of Dimensionality": Image Fusion and Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Advanced Data Mining and Visualization of Astronomical Images
Factors affecting calculation of L
Factors influencing lava-substrate heat transfer and implications for thermomechanical erosion
Facular Origin of the Sun's 11-year Total Radiation Cycle
Failure-Mode Analysis of the METEOSAT Pin Diode Variable Phase Shifter Using a Microwave CAD Program