A "Large and Graceful Sinuosity": John Herschel's Graphical Method
A 100-kWt NaK-Cooled Space Reactor Concept for an Early-Flight Mission
A 140 Ma K/Ar age for the Msissi norite (Morocco): new geochemical and paleomagnetic data
A 150 GHz Receiver Module for Astronomical Observations
A 2-D spectral-element method for computing spherical-earth seismograms-II. Waves in solid-fluid media
A 2-year climatology of polar low events over the Nordic Seas from satellite remote sensing
A 20-Station Array of Intelligent Dataloggers to Study Terrestrial Dust Devils: Preliminary Trials
A 21 CM survey of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. III - The region north of +38 degrees
A 24-h forecast of ozone peaks and exceedance levels using neural classifiers and weather predictions
A 3-D computational model for solar wind/magnetosphere interactions - Prediction of polar flattening of Jupiter and Saturn magnetospheres
A 3-D coupled CFD-DSMC solution method with application to the Mars Sample Return Orbiter
A 3-D hybrid finite-difference-finite-element viscoelastic modelling of seismic wave motion
A 3-D numerical model for space debris and interplanetary dust fluxes incident on LDEF
A 346 GHz heterodyne receiver and its use in observations of carbon monoxide in interstellar clouds
A 35 GHz Extremely High Power Rectenna For The Microwave Lightcraft
A 408-MHz aperture synthesis radio telescope
a 480 MHz Chirped-Pulse Fourier-Transform Microwave Spectrometer: Construction and Measurement of the Rotational Spectra of Divinyl Silane and 3,3-DIFLUOROPENTANE
A 50 Gpc Hike Through the Ly-alpha Forest
A 8.2 Ma Age for the Lunar Crater Giordano Bruno?
A backscatter model for wheat canopies. Comparison with C-band multiparameter scatterometer measurements