Light weight, highly integrated optical systems for the new millennium program
Light-curve inversion formalism
Light-Nuclei identification with PAMELA space telescope: preliminary in-flight results
Light-weight radioisotope heater unit (LWRHU) impact tests
Lighting up the Dark Universe: Modelling the Distribution and Properties of Baryons in Galaxy Clusters
Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) for the International Space Station
Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Events Observed on DEMETER Satellite
Lightwave communications - The fifth generation
Lightweight CFRC telescope for UAV lidar
Lightweight compact optical correlator for spacecraft docking
Lightweight composite reflectors for space optics
Lightweight high-performance 1-4 meter class spaceborne mirrors: emerging technology for demanding spaceborne requirements
Lightweight instrument mirrors from single-crystal silicon
Lightweight Mirror Developments
Lightweight rovers for Mars science exploration and sample return
Likelihood analysis of repeating in the BATSE catalogue
Likelihood Consensus and Its Application to Distributed Particle Filtering
Likelihood Consensus-Based Distributed Particle Filtering with Distributed Proposal Density Adaptation
Likelihood Inference for Models with Unobservables: Another View
Likelihood inference for particle location in fluorescence microscopy