Deducing composition and incident electron spectra from ground-based auroral optical measurements. I - Theory and model results. II - A study of auroral red line processes. III - Variations in oxygen density
Deducing turbulence parameters from transionospheric scintillation measurements
Deductions of Observations of the Solar System
Deep AAO/UKST Hα Images Reveal Large Numbers of new Galactic Bulge PNe
Deep Archival Search for Trans-Neptunian Objects
Deep ASCA Observation of the Broad Absorption Line Quasar PHL 5200
Deep Astrometry of Key Open Clusters
Deep CO observations of dominant cluster galaxies with reported cooling flows
Deep colour-magnitude diagrams of LMC field stars imaged with HST
Deep determinism and the assessment of mechanistic interaction between categorical and continuous variables
Deep galaxy samples /m greater than 22 mag/
Deep HST Imaging in 47 Tuc and NGC 6397: Discovery of Dwarf Novae from the Cluster Core Data
Deep Hubble Space Telescope Galaxy and Pair Counts as Tests of Merger History
Deep imaging of the IPN1 localization of GRB790325 (GBS 1810+31)
Deep Impact at Europa: A Hypervelocity Impact Mission for Astrobiology
Deep IRAC Imaging of Mocular Outflows in High-Mass Star Forming Regions
Deep observations with the Parkes 21-cm multibeam system
Deep roots of upper plate faults and earthquake generation illuminated by volcanism
Deep sky observations with Dome C optical interferometers
Deep space optical communications