Statistical Analysis in Genetic Studies of Mental Illnesses
Statistical and Clinical Aspects of Hospital Outcomes Profiling
Statistical applications of the multivariate skew-normal distribution
Statistical Challenges in Microrheology
Statistical characteristics of bursty bulk flow events
Statistical estimation of gap of decomposability of the general poverty index
Statistical Inference for Disordered Sphere Packings
Statistical inference for max-stable processes in space and time
Statistical Inference in Dynamic Treatment Regimes
Statistical inverse problems in active network tomography
Statistical Modeling of RNA-Seq Data
Statistical significance in high-dimensional linear models
Statistical testing procedure for the interaction effects of several controllable factors in two-valued input-output systems
Statistical tests for whether a given set of independent, identically distributed draws does not come from a specified probability density
Statistical uncertainty of changes in winter storms over the North Atlantic and Europe in an ensemble of transient climate simulations
Status Report on a Search for F stars with Hidden Hot Subdwarf Companions
Steady Magnetospheric Convection Events: A statistical analysis
Steady Magnetospheric Covnection Events as Measured by Polar UVI
Stein Estimation for Spherically Symmetric Distributions: Recent Developments
Stellar Imager: wavefront control