Locally most powerful sequential tests of a simple hypothesis vs. One-sided alternatives for independent observations
Locating Substorm Onsets by Pi 2 Travel Time
Log-mean linear models for binary data
Logistic Network Regression for Scalable Analysis of Networks with Joint Edge/Vertex Dynamics
Long-Term Relationship between Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Using Mutual Information
Longitudinal Data with Follow-up Truncated by Death: Match the Analysis Method to Research Aims
Los Alamos Radiation Hydrocode Models of Asteroid Mitigation by an Internal Explosion
Low osmium solubility in silicate at high pressures and temperatures
Low-background infrared hybrid focal plane array characterization
Low-noise, low-power HgCdTe/Al2O3 1024 x 1024 FPAs
Lunar carbon chemistry: Relations to and implications for terrestrial organic geochemistry
Lunar cartographic dossier, volume 1
Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Mission: Preliminary Report On the LCROSS Observational Campaign Results
Lunar lander and return propulsion system trade study - Methodology with results
Lunar-base construction equipment and methods evaluation
LWIR polarimeter calibration