Learning high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs with latent and selection variables
Learning Item-Attribute Relationship in Q-Matrix Based Diagnostic Classification Models
Learning mixed graphical models from data with p larger than n
Learning networks from high dimensional binary data: An application to genomic instability data
Learning with Structured Sparsity
Least angle and $\ell_1$ penalized regression: A review
Least Squares estimation of two ordered monotone regression curves
Leonid fluxes: 1994-1998 activity patterns
Lepenski vir - the sacral calendar of the Sun deity
Lessons learned from multiple fidelity modeling of ground interferometer testbeds
Libration and the Nature of Cassini States: Steady Co-precession of Spin and Orbit Poles
Life in the Solar System
Life Test Approach for Refractory Metal/Sodium Heat Pipes
Light pollution modelling and detection in a heterogeneous environment: toward a night-time aerosol optical depth retreival method
Light scattering by complex particles in the Moon's exosphere: Toward a taxonomy of models for the realistic simulation of the scattering behavior of lunar dust
Likelihood Inference for Models with Unobservables: Another View
Likelihood-based inference for max-stable processes
Likelihood-free Markov chain Monte Carlo
Likelihood-Free Parallel Tempering
Limits on line-of-site jitter derived from image resolution requirements