The adapted solar wind system as cause for a momentum transfer to the sun and its consequences for the orbital motions of Keplerian objects
The ADC for the VST Telescope: theory and preliminary test of the electromechanical system
The adding method for multiple scattering calculations of polarized light
The adjoint method applied to time-distance helioseismology
The adjusted Viterbi training for hidden Markov models
The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope coude lab thermal environment
The aerosol content in the Jovian lower stratosphere and upper troposphere determined by satellite eclipse observations
The age of the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 2193
The ages of asteroid families
The albedos of Pluto and Charon - Wavelength dependence
The Alexandrian Millenium (A.D. 2009) and the Astronomical Data
The All-Versus-All Low Earth Orbit Conjunction Problem
The analysis of astronomical spectra
The analysis of ensembles of moderately saturated interstellar lines
The analysis of regional GPS network with precise poin positioning
The analysis of star catalogs. 1: an intercomparison among the FK3, the FK4, and the FK5
The analytical algorithm of the Hori method in the problem of the revolution of a celestial body around the center of mass
The analytical calculations of carbon star atmospheres
The analytical solution of the stellar interior equations for approximating stellar and protostellar structure
The angle-dependent Compton redistribution function in X-ray sources