Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of hydrodynamic supersonic jets
Kelvin-Hemholtz instability in relativistic mechanics
Kepler's problem in Einstein's relativistic theories of gravitation. I - Special relativity: Scalar theories
Kepler's problem in Einstein's relativistic theories of gravitation. II - Tensorial theories
Keplerian angular momentum distribution of relativistic fluids
Kernel density estimations applied to gamma ray light curves
Key Architecture Elements of a Great Observatory for Space Physics
Key issues - A round table discussion
Kinematic considerations for mantle mixing
Kinematic Dynamo Models Of The Solar Cycle
Kinematic properties of stellar dynamical discs and spheroids
Kinematic rupture process of the 2007 Tocopilla earthquake and its main aftershocks from teleseismic and strong-motion data
Kinematic time migration and demigration of reflections in pre-stack seismic data
Kinematical quantities in the scale covariant theory of gravitation
Kinematics and age of the low-mass X-ray binaries
Kinematics of molecular clouds. II - New data on nearby giant molecular clouds
Kinematics of spatially extended high-velocity outflow from the nucleus of M51
Kinematics of the Supercomplex of open star clusters
Kinetic Alfvén Waves: Linear theory and a Particle-in-cell Simulation
Kinetic Monte Carlo method for simulating astrochemical kinetics: Test calculations of molecular hydrogen formation on interstellar dust particles