Q-anisotropy in finely-layered media
QCD and strings
QSO absorption lines
QSO heavy element absorption systems and the nature of the metagalactic ionizing flux at high redshift
Qualitative analysis of cosmological models in Brans-Dicke theory
Qualitative Analysis of the Netlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment Doppler Observable
Qualitative changes in 3-dimensional dynamical systems
Qualitative explanations for red giant formation
Quality assessment of BRDF/albedo retrievals in MODIS operational system
Quantal calculations of charge transfer in collisions between N (V) and atomic hydrogen
Quantifying The Effect Of Scattering Upon The Retrieved Dust Opacity In The Martian Atmosphere, As Deduced From Mro/mcs Measurements
Quantifying the pattern of galaxy clustering
Quantifying the Risk Posed by Potential Earth Impacts
Quantitative accuracy analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method for seismic wave propagation
Quantitative analysis of flare accelerated electrons through their hard X-ray and microwave radiation
Quantitative Analysis of the Spectra of Early B Stars with Ultrasharp Lines
Quantitative Analysis of the Spectra of Early B Stars with Ultrasharp Lines
Quantitative descriptions of nonlinear gravitational galaxy clustering
Quantitative forecasting of near-term solar activity and upper atmospheric density
Quantitative integration of seismic and GPR reflections to derive unique estimates for water saturation and porosity in subsoil