Recent Developments in Theory of Solar Wind
Reconnection in the Centre of the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet: Control by Plasma Drifts and Magnetic Flux Convection close to the Earth
Recording Charged Particles with an Energy of 0.1-10 keV with a Spherical Electrostatic Analyzer
Recording Cosmic Rays on the "Kosmos-17" AES (Summary)
Recounting the birth of solar terrestrial physics.
Recovery phase of magnetic storms induced by different interplanetary drivers
Red and Black Degenerate Stars
Reduction and analysis of ATS-6 data
Reformation of an oblique shock observed by Cluster
Regression modeling method of space weather prediction
Relationship between electric field and currents in the ionosphere and the geomagnetic Sq field
Relationship of solar gamma ray emissions with microwaves and other radio bursts
Relationships between GPS-signal propagation errors and EISCAT observations
Relative contribution of ionospheric conductivity and electric field to ionospheric current
Relative solar and auroral contribution to the polar F region: Implications for National Space Weather Program
Relativistic Gravitational Effects in Pulsars
Relativistic Quasilinear Diffusion in Axisymmetric Magnetic Geometry for Arbitrary-Frequency Electromagnetic Fluctuations
Relativistic solar cosmic rays
Relativistic Star Clusters
Relativistic transformation of phase-space distributions