Wave function of particle and the coordinates distribution in relativistic quantum theory
Wave Function Renormalization Effects in Resonantly Enhanced Tunneling
Wave Function Shredding by Sparse Quantum Barriers
Wave Functions and Bohmian Trajectories in Interference Phenomena
Wave functions and characteristic times for transmission and reflection
Wave Functions and Energy Terms of the SCHRÖdinger Equation with Two-Center Coulomb Plus Harmonic Oscillator Potential
Wave functions and tunneling times for one-dimensional transmission and reflection
Wave functions in the neighborhood of a toroidal surface; hard vs. soft constraint
Wave functions of linear systems
Wave Mechanics of Two Hard Core Quantum Particles in 1-D Box
Wave mechanics without gauge fixing
Wave packet construction in two-dimensional quantum billiards: Blueprints for the square, equilateral triangle, and circular cases
Wave packet dynamics and factorization of numbers
Wave packet dynamics of entangled two-mode states
Wave packet dynamics of the matter wave field of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Wave packet dynamics with Bose-Einstein condensates
Wave Packet Echoes in the Motion of Trapped Atoms
Wave packet evolution in non-Hermitian quantum systems
Wave packet methods in cavity QED
Wave packet Rabi oscillations from phase-space flow in mesoscopic cavity QED