Wigner Function's Negativity Demystified
Wigner Functions and Separability for Finite Systems
Wigner functions for curved spaces I: On hyperboloids
Wigner Functions in High Energy Physics
Wigner functions of thermo number state, photon subtracted and added thermo vacuum state at finite temperature
Wigner Functions with Boundaries
Wigner functions, coherent states, one-dimensional marginal probabilities and uncertainty structures of Landau levels
Wigner functions, contact interactions, and matching
Wigner functions, squeezing properties and slow decoherence of atomic Schrodinger cats
Wigner operator's new transformation in phase space quantum mechanics and its applications
Wigner Quantization of Hamiltonians Describing Harmonic Oscillators Coupled by a General Interaction Matrix
Wigner quasi-probability distribution for the infinite square well: energy eigenstates and time-dependent wave packets
Wigner Rotations and Iwasawa Decompositions in Polarization Optics
Wigner rotations, Bell states, and Lorentz invariance of entanglement and von Neumann entropy
Wigner separability entropy and complexity of quantum dynamics
Wigner tomography of two qubit states and quantum cryptography
Wigner's inequalities in quantum field theory
Wigner's inequality for conditional probabilities and nonexistence of a realistic model for the two dimensional Hilbert space
Wigner's Problem and Alternative Commutation Relations for Quantum Mechanics
Wigner's Spins, Feynman's Partons, and Their Common Ground